
Friday, March 2, 2018

Washi Tape for your Whiteboard

I have to display my learning targets in student friendly terms. I used to write these on a laminated poster but it became difficult to erase and clean each time.

I have now divided my whiteboard into sections with Washi tape so I can erase my objectives more easily and cleanly. Below, you can see photos of my objectives in the music room and in the art room.

Here is a brief video tutorial showing how I divided the board into sections and kept the lines straight without using a level.

I used less than one roll of washi tape for each board. You can purchase a roll of washi tape for less than $3. It comes in many different colors and designs. For the music board, I used glitter washi tape.

The whiteboard wipes off so much easier than laminated posters. Comment below if you have any more questions or if you would like to share your favorite use for washi tape.


  1. Where did you get your cute grade signs in the music staff? The kindergarten one is especially cute with the music notes.

    1. It is called Melody Maker. It is a free download at this link.
